Photo of Ivone Tejerina Argentina

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Ivone Tejerina, the evocative power of gouache watercolors still life exhibit minimally Ivonne Tejerina, evoking the power of the wash in a subtle and sensual, in which the glassware, vases, cups and fruit predominate, showing fruits, fruit juices as a footnote yptalos flower color. Centers the composition, trying to place dynamic elements in the middle or sides of the stage. It seeks to develop a work marked by the presence of objects and fruits in harmony, in line with its clear effluvia,...
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Photo of Ivone Tejerina Argentina

Ivone Tejerina, the evocative power of gouache watercolors still life exhibit minimally Ivonne Tejerina, evoking the power of the wash in a subtle and sensual, in which the glassware, vases, cups and fruit predominate, showing fruits, fruit juices as a footnote yptalos flower color. Centers the composition, trying to place dynamic elements in the middle or sides of the stage. It seeks to develop a work marked by the presence of objects and fruits in harmony, in line with its clear effluvia, presented in an outstanding balance, which is dominated by suggestions, without impositions. The search for the fluctuation in still lifes minimum, no abuse of elements, is essential in order to recreate the conditions right after a speech to consolidate clearly poetic, intimate and personal. Rosceos tones predominate, yellow, white, green, blue and violceos, marked by the stamp of evidence, headed in the Determination, that is essential to move the viewer an idea of sensitivity studied. Draw the elements, ubicndolos, determining their position clearly, so, of course, complemented by the incorporation of color, different shades, which fills and determine who is who in the objectivity and the fruit pieces. This means that the stroke is controlled, measured, seeking harmony in environments perfectly drawn, without leaving the final Determination own. His still lifes are expressly brief, because it seeks to calm away from the baroque, as permitindose consolidate spaces, generated from a calculated attitude, fair, harmonic, located in attitude, always considering the possibilities of development idea. SPECIFIC trace a speech from the will of the essence of color, one that allows you to savor that perfume, the taste of chromaticism, the evidence of the planes of tone intermediate, but always trying to highlight and themed content. Not intended to have the funds, but asks about the composition, since the drawing is the protagonist, to align it with the evocative power of the water source. In this way drawing and trace, color and shape follow a speech marked by a script set, which, however, has a naturally clear, a fresh presentation, direct, pleasant, enveloping, to the extent that captures the ways to engage in a dialogue amltiples bands. The evocation of the complex suggested rules the feeling that what you present is suggestive because it is beautiful and the beauty lies in the recesses of the details of the soul. As, soul, chromatic Determination, compositional development and space merge into a speech that smells amsica chromatic perfumed fragrances. Joan Forestry Association Llus International Studies completed art critic Drawing and Painting. Panamerican School of Art. Graphic designer. Graduate Visual Arts Center. (CAV) plastic workshop, Professor Susan Hellman. Watercolor Workshop, Professor Goyo Barja, Takeda Foundation. Watercolor, Guillermo Roux Teachers Workshop. Drawing Workshop, Professor Fernando Martinez. Watercolor Workshop, Professor Veronica Del GIDIC. Group Exhibitions 2001: Veronica Del GIDIC Workshop. Italian Cultural Center, Olivos. 2001: Art Gallery Artelite, II Salon Artelite, BA 2004: Artists from Argentina, Palais de Glace, SAAP 2004: Salon of Painting, 2004 Anniversary, Loft Espacio Alfa, Buenos Aires 2004: 30 Salon Opening SAAP. 2005: Artists from Argentina, Palais de Glace, SAAP 2005: Opening Salon Pequeo Format SAAP 2005: Contemporary Art, Villa Palagonia Galera, BA 2006: Space Art HPIC Club Argentino, Buenos Aires 2007: Opening Salon, SAAP Awards: 2001: 3 Art Gallery Award, Salon II Artelite. 2003: Mention Wildlife Art Contest, Arg Wildlife Foundation 2004: 3 Mention in Painting, Apertura 2004 Salon, SAAP

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Bear in mind we are dealing with works of art, so they may be in an exhibition (actually, this is awesome!). Those artworks which are in an exhibition are usually displayed as “non-available”. In case the artwork has been put up for sale, take into account the artist would have to manage with the organization of the exhibition the return of the artwork in order to be able to realize the shipment.

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